Red Spruce Farm Farming with the land in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Canada


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  • Cat House by Red Spruce Woodworking

    Wooden Cat House

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  1. Sona Weber

    Hi Ned, I received my Vermihut 🙂 Thank you! I’m excited to learn how to raise worms and have them make rich compost & worm casting amendment for my garden. The 3 worm bins are not long enough to rest on the included wood blocks so the tray can easily slide out. They end up sitting directly on the tray. I’m planning to add a couple of pieces of wood connecting the 2 blocks so that the bins can rest on those and allow the tray to slide out. I wanted to let you know so you can make the bins a little longer for that sized tray.

    1. Ned

      Thanks for the feedback Sona, though I’m a little bit confused about what you’re saying. It makes me think that perhaps you have the tray sideways? A picture would help me understand!



  2. Lindsay R

    Hello, great article with helpful information! We just got our first set of keets and I’m wondering if chick starter is enough for them alone. I’ve read some places they need a turkey/wild game starter. But I’m not sure if it matters?
    We only got our keets yesterday but I haven’t really noticed them eat anything or any disturbances to their food area which lead me to think they aren’t eating.

    1. sitewide

      Hello Lindsay, sorry for not responding to such an urgent matter quicker! Yes, we use chick starter but any starter will likely do! There are other things to consider, but a big one is that you want no pellets (too big for them little ones) and you don’t want anything like extra calcium for laying eggs like the lay pellets have. Our local feed store only carries the chick starter, and have even stopped carrying the grower for our meat birds unfortunately. I would have to read the labels, but I would suspect that the turkey or wild game starter has a higher protein and would likely be more ideal for the guinea keets than the chick starter because of that.

      As for not eating right away, most animals have a little bit of a time with stress, a crystal product called stress-aid to add to their water has been in our repertoire before, but they really should be eating almost all day every day from hatching. If they aren’t, then yes a great place to start is with new food. If they’re super new, like days old, then they won’t be as hungry – and I’d even argue they shouldn’t even be sold until they’re at least a week or so old. A trick we do to get them to know it’s food, sometimes, is to put their beak into it. This is especially important for them to start figuring out water OR if their feeding trays are tricky to get into in any way.

  3. Visy Umayam

    Could I please get a copy of your book electronically? I am very much interested in learning more about fruit trees propagations. My email address is shown below.

    1. sitewide

      Hi there Visy, I’m unsure which book you’re looking for electronically! If I have it, I’ll see if I can get it to you.

      I wish I had my own book to sell you or give you electronically!

  4. Michelle

    I just got my first little babies last week. When can I give them them the treats like mealworms?

    1. sitewide

      Michelle, considering they would normally be grazing the earth floor right from birth if they were left to hatch outdoors, I would think at any time they are ready!

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